The idea of the economic one, in Aristotle, is enrolled all in one Let us remember the famous definition of Man who Aristotle bequeathed in them, definition of which generally holds back only the part that if it relates to the Man as animal politician (zoon politikon) while Aristotle effectively said, of more necessary form, who the man was made to live together, emphasizing still, in certain texts: in community state to organize and to keep the state of friendship between citizens (AKTOUF, 2004 p.58) To perfect the use of the new medias it can create competitive force and stimulate extra profits. However, the use of these medias must be policed by the proper companies. Therefore, any slip committed for the organization can denigrate the image in a wild speed. The manuscript of intelligent and creative form and the fiscalization need to be part of the enterprise routine. It will cause the enrichment of the identity of the mark before its public. .
The requirement of the consumers for one better position of the organization in relation to the businesses becomes primordial in this shortening of the relationship company-customer. Further details can be found at Steve Salis, an internet resource. 2 BEHAVIOR OF the CONSUMER Is necessary to know the concept of behavior of the consumer. According to Giglio (2005), two principles exist, one is Cognitiva Psychology that is defined as the behavior product of coherent actions, the reason and the resolution of problems, has concepts of the customer who if becomes attached for the question of the option and the comparative processes between risks and advantages. Another one begins is it social, that it sends the theory of the consumption conducted for the force of the group.
Describe the profile of the digital customers. The potential consumers on-line have the double of the national probability to have university diploma. It is a group formed for people who costumam to act correctly, that they try to discover as everything functions and that they do not obtain to make everything to function with rapidity.