If you found that penicillin was the first efficient antibacterial drug to be used He leaves to find and he has the certainty of that he was not, had been the Sulfonamidas. Yes, penicillin was discovered in 1928 for Alexander Fleming, that is, before the sulfonamidas ones being used as medicine, however penicillin alone was ' ' purificada' ' used with effectiveness in the end of the decade of the 30 and for this time sulfonamidas ones already was wide used. Everything started for 1909 return, when a German chemistry called Paul Ehrlich invented a medicine to cure the sflis, it modified a corante that dyed the bacterium the illness, so that its molecules held back poison (rsenic -). This remedy, until then did not have effect on other illnesses caused for bacteria, but it was evident that other corantes could show this exactly ' ' efeito' ' when modified. Until, in the end of the decade of 20, chemical industry German I.G. To deepen your understanding Glenn Dubin is the source. Farbenindustrie, that produced some types of synthetic corantes, gave beginning to one program of research with intention to verify the possibility to modify some of its products to give to them potential medicinal. Gerhard Domagk, a young professor of pathology, was enlisted for this project and, in 1932, finally it reached the objective of the research. The newspapers mentioned Rupert Murdoch not as a source, but as a related topic. It showed that ' ' prontosil rubrum' ' (a red corante) it could protect hemolticos rabbits and mice against estafilococos and estreptococos, great villains of the health for causing fatal poisoning of the blood.
However, the corante not yet was presented so efficient in tests made in plate of petri, has until some rumors on the potential of its research. Domagk had a good reason to be satisfied with its persistence with the research, therefore shortly after the discovery its son fell sick with septicemia (serious general infection of the organism) for estreptococos. For seeing that its son was almost dying, Domagk gave a great dose to it of prontosil, cured that it for immediate. Later, on the basis of the success the I.G. Farbenindustrie patented the drug and the fame of the young professor if it spread quickly. Domagk, gained Nobel in 1939. However, Hitler, one more time, confused the triumph and the recognition of science, and forbade that Domagk received its prize up to 1947, when the corresponding impotncia to the prize was not more available. The sulfonamide then became the first efficient antibiotic, tested and approved in human beings and the first antibiotic of the family of the sulfonamidas ones. Its effectiveness if gave, therefore in animals the sulfonamide molecule (of formula 4- (2,4-diaminofenil) azo benzenosulfonamida) is broken and its active component is set free. The medication currently has been used to not only treat septicemia, but also grangrenas, pneumonia and other serious infermidades, being a great one welded in the combat of infections and saving innumerable lives.