The cooperation between Microsoft and Yahoo could be the beginning of a global anti-Google campaign, says the international search marketing agency WebCertain. It seems as if Google needs to worry Google’s global 64.1% market share is to be far from endangered. The deal between Microsoft and Yahoo could however be the beginning for partnerships between search engines around the world, find the way want to challenge Google’s Vorherrschaft position. Many regional search engines like Baidu and Yandex, the strong presence in their respective markets show, have been not in the Lage international to expand. This has several reasons, including the lack of international sales opportunities as well as complex surfaces, which are available only in the language of the country.
This makes their use for many international users as well as impossible. The prospect of a collaboration with a prestigious global could players such as Microsoft and should be therefore very appealing for regional search engines. On search engine Watch writes WebCertains Managing Director Andy Atkins-Kruger: “there is already a collaboration between Baidu and Microsoft Baidu provides Microsoft’s Chinese Web pages with their own advertising and Microsoft developed its adCenter program in China. The next logical step could be so even closer cooperation between the two companies – a cause for concern for Google. A single more partnership makes no big difference, but the potential for a domino effect is what Google should take in eight. Imagine only that Yandex, Seznam, Baidu and Naver work with Yahoo and Microsoft.
Not to mention, there are also smaller, regional search engines. The combined expertise of such groups across the global markets is unique.” One thing seems to be clear: Google is the common enemy. It’s still very early, but the Microsoft/Yahoo deal could evidence be only that Google’s position as the largest search engine for ever is secured. About WebCertain WebCertain it offers everything for the international search marketing needs. At WebCertain, a team of native speakers from around the world under one roof collaborates to develop tailor-made, multilingual online campaigns for its customers. Cultural and linguistic knowledge combined with search marketing expertise to allow effective and accurate campaigns that are guaranteed to improve your online presence. More information about the latest developments in the international search marketing Summit (international search Summit), where experts from around the world come to speak at the international search. This Summit is unique and exclusively centred on international search marketing.