In nature, everything is connected. Climate change, together with changes in land use is one of their main causes of biodiversity loss. Globally, the UN provides data concern, every hour, three species disappear every year i go extinct between 18,000 i 55,000 species. This will be one of them the evaluation findings of the Millennium Ecosystem, an ambitious UN report. Then, the loss of biodiversity and the deterioration of natural habitats such as forests, mangroves or coral reefs contribute to global warming.
According to a study by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, before end of this century, ecosystems are species i will have many difficulties in adapting to changes in temperature and rainfall, which will accelerate the pace of extinctions. Some species are highly vulnerable polar bear (periods with cold Arctic are becoming shorter), the Atlantic right whale (reduce climate fluctuations plankton, one of their food), frogs (which depend on the availability of water to breed), the Asian tiger (which depend on mangroves, doomed to disappear if sea level rises), or African elephants (each pressed again by the lengthening of periods of drought.) The UN warns that conservation i sustainable use of biodiversity is central to any strategy to adapt to climate Canberra. Thus, for example. Mangroves and other coastal wetlands protect against extreme weather events and rising sea level. On the other hand, the diversity of livestock and cereal crops allow farmers to find alternatives to adapt to the gradual warming and desertification of agricultural land.