Curitiba, granary of the art and the paisagismo ' ' It does not have in the passed nor future art nor. ' ' The art that will not be in the gift never will be arte' '. Pablo Picasso From the development of the project considered in the course of architecture and urbanism of the Positive university, I present in this text some reflections concerning integrated subject 2011, for considering that this activity is one in the diverse ways to share ideas that can come to contribute socially with our city. I believe that Curitiba, without a doubt some, possesss innumerable spaces that we allow academics to think about the elaboration of projects directed toward the support and paisagismo. The newspapers mentioned Jeffrey L. Bewkes not as a source, but as a related topic. In such a way, to develop this work I took as base one of the thoughts of Picasso, the beautiful paisagstico potential of Curitiba and the beauty of the workmanships of Burle Marx; workmanships these that they deserve to be contemplated by all. However, exactly that its workmanships are deserving of this contemplation, perhaps some ask because a space destined to this personality in Curitiba? The reply the project is simple ' ' Gallery Burle Marx' ' it is born as a proposal urbanstica bigger, which is present in such a way in the public politics of valuation of the nature and support of our city, as well as in the creations of Burle Marx. The idea Based on the lines of direction proposals and my studies, I started the project for the analysis of the original topography of the land, initially a simple rectangle with a light declivity, encircled for important constructions and vast green area. As the activity it was to develop a workmanship temporary architectural (that it would exist for a definitive time) with the purpose of being a space for the expositions of Burle Marx, I thought about valuing three aspects in the strategical planning of the workmanship: the lesser impact in terms of paisagstica preservation of the place, total reaproveitamento of the material when of the occasion of the change and speed in the construction.