BitDefender E-Mail communication as a risk factor number 1 in the year 2010 identified Holzwickede, 04th November 2009 statistics show that it PC users around the world every day have to do with 2,000 new viruses and phishing attacks every month 50,000. In addition, that every year more than a million PCs are captured digitally, which then in turn dangerous malware spread. Read more here: Glenn Dubin, New York City. For the year 2010, BitDefender identified a new attack vector of Cybergangster: E-Mail communication. Their backup must be given therefore a higher priority than ever before in the private as well as commercial, because 45 percent of all pests by electronic mail was already spread. The development and dissemination of dangerous malware will increase further the BitDefender forecast according to. A particular danger is posed by Web-based threats such as Trojans, spyware, and rootkits. Early 2009 an increase was registered by 460 per cent of this type of infection. In addition a 400-percent increase in the number of Trojans which can be distributed through E-Mail spam.
Many of the existing E-threats are further optimized according to BitDefender experts in the near future: the mechanisms for the dissemination of malicious software are increasingly automated and improved stealth techniques to prevent their discovery on the already infected computer systems. As the latest edition of BitDefender documented E-threats landscape report, six months following countries in the field of malware distribution were the most active within the last: China (33%), France (24%) and the United States (14%), followed by Romania and Spain (6%), India, Australia and Germany (4%) and Canada (3%). However, were Great Britain and Mexico participated with only less than 1.8% (Malware_und_Spam_Review_H1_2009.pdf). Top 10 malware in the DACH region between May and October 2009: position name percentage 1 Trojan.Wimad.Gen. 1 5.57 2 Trojan.Autorun.INF.Gen 3.00 3 Iframe.Malware.