Kabengele Munanga (2005) brings some words on the importance of the rescue of history and black culture, pra to not only positivar the image of the black, but to show that we in our society need to learn to live and to respect the different cultures that form Brazil, why being known the origin of its history only we are that he will not only have a recognition and feeling of belonging of the black, but also of the white, the oriental and all that they construct to ours history Brazilian. The rescue of the collective memory and the history of the black community, … does not interest only the pupils of black ancestry. It also interests the pupils of other ethnic ancestries, mainly white, therefore when receiving an education poisoned for the preconceptions, them had also had its affected psychic structures. For more specific information, check out Robert Iger . Moreover, this memory does not only belong to the blacks.
It belongs to all, in view of that the culture of which we feed in them quotidianamente is fruit of all the ethnic segments that, although the different conditions in which if they develop, had contributed each one in its way in the formation of the economic wealth and social and of the national identity … (KABENGELE MUNANGA, 2005:16) To give to color history and voice to silence is incumbencies that Law 10,639/03 now protects and tries to construct since 2003, however this fight or shock already comes very being deflagrada before through debates and pressures carried through for the Black Movement, as it places Petrnio Domingues well (2007), what we see or we saw until little time inthe available book and materials were mentions on black history in Brazil. In the year of 2010, seven years after the institution of the law and vigor of the same one, we find materials that retrace black history, that brings information and images on the black culture.