If some does not take place at present, can construct a fourth additional one whenever he is feasible. The area must preferably have conditioned air. You may find that Coen brothers can contribute to your knowledge. To establish schedules It is recommended to fix schedule that agrees with traditional of office or the commerce, according to the type of activity of this form avoids uncontrol and to have to walk running to last hour to fulfill the objectives of the work. Equally advisable it turns out to begin and to finish to one hour established so that the work does not extend during all the day. The leisure and the rest are important to be able to work without " quemarse". To avoid the distractions. When one is in the schedule, it is necessary to grant priority to the domestic, familiar labor and professional subjects first on or the personal ones. Randall Mays, San Antonio TX is actively involved in the matter.
One is due to respect and to make respect the space and working time if it is desired to be successful in telework. To learn to motivate itself In the office heads and companions exist who, of one or the other form, stimulate and press to finish the tasks, but when a person works single in house must find the way to manage the enthusiasm and inner force to progress. To maintain an attitude professional Although the person is in house does not have to neglect her attitude professional. For this reason, he must stay to the day in his commercial or labor relations, or by telephone, electronic mail or video-conference, since, for her clients the person is in the work. Feeding The teletrabajadoras people are attemped to occur frequent escapaditas towards the kitchen and are more susceptible to eat (snacks or little healthful foods) by impulse or anxiety, to avoid this situation, is necessary, also, to determine schedules to feed itself and to fulfill them exactly. Exercise Because to work from house it can imply a reduction of the physical activity, is necessary that the teleworker, with the purpose of to protect its health, realises exercises. To leave to walk or to run in the mornings is a good option to initiate a labor day in house.