The insider’s tip for singles to Easter 2009 many singles the question arises, how they want to spend Easter 2009. Maximum of 14 singles will have found a very special response: with nice people in the singles-Easter-seminar 2009. In the at that time still cosy sleepy Ramsberg on big Lake Brombach in the triangle of Nuremberg, Munich, Stuttgart in Bavaria. Period: 09 until 14 April 2009. What is this? The main objective of the Easter seminar is to strengthen self-confidence and the ability of contact and to clarify the partner space, for example, by still looking for relations of the past. This probability is significantly increased, that the next is the right.
Also from singles (people with no relationship experience) are here in the right place. The methods of family constellations, as well as special techniques from the self-confidence training be used IntSel. Everything is based on the principle of voluntary at any time. In addition to the issues mentioned, the participant has the possibility to its strengths and its actually lived values consciously to make professional feedback, partly through guided self exploration. This grows significantly, the degree of clarity as well as confidence. See Ostern.html Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are seminar-free.
A 3-hour brunch on the local ferry (pictured) is planned for Easter Sunday, evening the day will sound out in a romantic restaurant appropriately left. On Easter Monday the climbing park is, after breakfast, adventure forest on the proposal paper. It is possible for a dinner in a beautiful restaurant located in a former, quaint renovated farmhouse to the evening again. The event will be concluded on Easter Tuesday with other exciting topics and methods. A particularly deep, surprising technique, by which many participants can consume even years later, officially ended the intense togetherness. Before that is possible on a voluntary basis to replace its contact data with love gained Communicator holders. On that Easter may 2009 seem far in the future who feels addressed and would like to sign up, who would do that immediately. If still available rooms at walking distance (private room / small b & BS) or a few minutes by car can be booked away (Star) with. Performed the Easter singles seminar 2009 by Matthias Schwehm, which strengthen a high degree of empathy and as a specialist the confidence due to his previous contact problems the necessary know-how and the necessary experience brings. Experience has shown that 2009 also singles out of Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Austria and the Netherlands are the singles-Easter seminar. See for more info & registration the company Matthias Schwehm personality training, trademark law owner of IntSel and author of the mentioned event, individuals in the development of a strong specializes for over 12 years, Self-confidence to support effectively. The training, seminars, workshops, courses and coaching sessions attract participants and clients from all over Germany and the neighbouring German-speaking countries Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.