Both lie in the subjective accepted general consensus, which means that is considered under the objective aspects in the social field. The trend is primarily a social and economic phenomenon. After the influence on the decisions of individuals and how they can be considered a limitation to our freedom, or the address of it as a means of power of large corporations to us and our choices, is a major factor in the economy globally, as is the number one industry in the market talking about fashion textiles and fashion in the physical appearance of people. According to Karl Marx, in any production process involve productive forces or motives that are the core of his achievement. In the case of fashion, the productive forces are basic human needs, referring to the dress, as well as vanity and dependence to be considered belonging to the social group that just part of the recipient, if we take into account those who profit from this industry, the main force is the currency. a When considered as a business and as a key factor in economic cycles, we also consider the relations of production which occur in this process. Something that can be recognized without the need to deepen the subject are the roles of producer and consumer, large corporations still producing textiles and design houses that create these prototypes of beauty to sell to a consumer society in general is that enables phenomenon of trade and consumerism in the exaggerated way that exists today. .