Nakhichevan-on-Don, situated to the east of Rostov-on-open spaces, granted to the Crimean Armenians by Empress Catherine II in the late XVIII century. It is now one of the Nakhichevan region of Rostov-on-Don. A total of some a half century ago, this Russian city with a characteristic flavor superior to the Armenian national growth not only in terms of population, but also for economic development. The story of this city very interesting. July 10, 1774 in a small Bulgarian village Kuchuk Kaynarca on the right bank of the Danube between the commander of the Russian Army Field Marshal Peter Alexandrovich Rumyantsev and Supreme minister Ottoman Empire Mehemet Pasha-zade Mussun peace treaty was signed between Russia and Turkey, which meant the end of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 years. Kerch Strait was Russian. Russian merchant vessels have the right to pass the Bosphorus and The Dardanelles on a par with British and French ships.
The Crimean Khanate was declared independent of Turkey. The Russian government was well aware that the best way to strengthen its southern borders is their settlement. The question of the colonization of these lands was raised in the XVII century, but only under Catherine II the Great, he has national importance and appropriate scale. But, despite the importance of strengthening the southern borders, it is not was the sole motive of the Russian government colonization policy. In an effort to prompt settlement of vacant land the settlers had a second, a purely political party. Catherine II well aware that the withdrawal of the Greeks and Armenians under the auspices of protecting them from the Crimea, the Crimean Khanate would deprive Russia of its main source of revenue and almost make it dependent on Russia.