The transfusionais reactions are sistmicas answers of the organism to the incompatible blood. Being caused for the eritrocitria incompatibility or alrgica sensitivity to the components of the blood or to conservantes. (POTTER, 2005, p.1253). The transfusionais reactions can be classified as immediate or delayed. As Resolution RDC n 153, of 14 of June of 2004, the immediate complications is the ones that occur in up to 24 hours after initiate the transfusion and can be of the feverish or hemoltico type. the delayed ones are the transmissible infectious illnesses for the blood. You may want to visit Leslie Moonves to increase your knowledge.
Assistance of Nursing Front to a Transfusional' Reaction; ' The reactions of the blood transfusion hold life risk, but the immediate intervention of the nurse can keep the physiological stability of cliente' ' POTTER (2005, P. 1058). In accordance with Smeltzer (2005, p.986) when if to suspect of a transfusional reaction must: To interrupt the transfusion, to keep a intravenosa line with SF through new I equip intravenoso, managed to a slow speed and to evaluate the patient carefully, to compare the vital signals with those of the basal evaluation, to examine the state respiratory of the patient, to observe the presence of adventitious noises, extension of the dispnia and the alterations of the mental state, the anxiety and the confusion, to observe any calafrio, sudorese, complaint of pain in the coasts, urticrias and venosa jugular vein, to notify the doctor on the findings of the evaluation, to continue to monitor the vital signals and the respiratory, cardiovascular states and renal distenso of the patient and to notify the blood bank on the occurrence of a transfusional reaction suspicion and to send the stock market I equip and it for the blood bank. For more information see this site: Robert Thomson. A general evaluation of the patient on the part of the nurse before the blood transfusion and the accomplishment of the examination is very important physicist, therefore these data will go to help in the identification of a transfusional reaction and to know in accordance with classifies-ls the signals and symptoms presented for the patient.